Friday, August 20, 2010

Skin Care Myths Explained

From old wife’s tales about stretch marks to urban legends, the myths and stories about skin care that some believe to be true have many an expert confounded.Five common skin care myths are explained below.

1. Prepare your skin for summer sun on a tanning bed. Tanning beds are dangerous because of the concentrated UVA rays they emit. These are the same rays you get from the sun that cause premature aging and skin cancer. Getting a light tan on the sun bed does not protect your skin from further damage, it just means you have already exposed it to harmful rays. Tanning does not produce more melanin in the skin, it just brings it to the surface.

2. You can prevent stretch marks with olive oil. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can apply to your skin to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A healthy diet, good hydration and regular exercise will improve the elasticity of your skin. Stretch marks occur when the sub-surface splits due to over-stretching, such as when you gain excessive weight or are pregnant.

3. A higher SPF lasts longer in the sun. This is another dangerous myth. The difference in protection offered by an SPF of 15 and one of 40 is only 3%, so a higher SPF does not significantly increase your protection. It does not last longer, because the cream is exactly the same, and sweats or washes off the same no matter what the SPF. It is far more important to remember to apply sunscreen all over your body before you go into the sun, and re-apply it regularly, whether you have been swimming or not.

4. People with dark skin tones don’t need sunscreen. Not only is this hogwash, it is very dangerous. Increased levels of melanin cause darker skin tones. Although darker complexions, such as olive toned Mediterranean or Negro ancestry, results in higher concentrations of melanin, it does not make one impervious to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. Although the risk for skin cancers from sun exposure is slightly less than someone with a fair complexion, it is still present for those with darker skin tones. All must avail themselves of sunscreen protection prior to exposing themselves to harmful rays.

5. Chocolate causes acne. This is one of the most common myths. Food products do not cause acne. Your skin regularly sheds dead cells. In acne, these shed cells can stick together, blocking gland openings, which causes a backup of naturally occurring oils. Then bacteria on the dermis will take advantage of the eruption, making the condition worse. A nutritionally balanced diet will promote overall health, including the dermis, but a single food is never the cause of an acne blow up.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ways to Help Your Skin Age

Ways to Help Your Skin Age

That’s right; you read the title of this article correctly: ways to help your skin age. Why would you want your skin to age? Well, you shouldn’t want to help your skin age at all. But, if you are not avoiding the following habits, your skin will age rapidly.

Most people take a few moments of their time to read about proper skin care. However, when it comes to actually practicing good skin care habits, many forget all about the things that they should be aware of. In fact, most people are helping their skin to age with speed…even if they don’t know it. So, what things should you refrain if you don’t want to see small lines and wrinkles appear on your skin overnight?

Let’s start with the number one thing that causes skin to age quickly: cigarette smoke. There are numerous ways that your skin can (and will) absorb harmful chemicals from cigarettes. Whether you smoke; you have a friend that smokes; or you hang out in smoke filled places, your skin will become dilapidated quickly.

Smoking takes away vitamin C from your skin. Vitamin C is responsible for keeping skin young and supple, so detracting this essential vitamin from your skin will cause it to age quickly. Next on the list of skin’s most potent enemies is: the sun. Sun ages your skin. It’s really that simple. Skin that is not fortified by the sun will become leathery, dull, and lifeless within a matter of years.

If you don’t want to stay out of the sun completely, make sure to wear sunblock that contains an SPF of 15 or higher. Wear sunscreen each day – even when it’s cold outside! Now, let’s explore some things that you might not instantly think about when it comes to anti-aging practices. For example, did you know that a lack of exercise will cause your skin to age faster?

That’s right – if you remain sedentary, your skin is far more likely to take on a wrinkle appearance. The most exercise you get, the superior off your skin will be. Why? Exercise help with skin’s circulation, and it also helps to keep muscles tight. Try and exercise for at least thirty minutes per day to keep your skin in top shape. Also, refrain consuming things that might alteration your skin.

Ideally, everyone should take a massive amount of fruits and vegetables while avoiding alcohol. If this is not possible, keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. Alcohol can cause your skin to age over time. Additionally, alcohol can give the skin a flushed appearance. Anti-aging begins with feeding your body proper nutrients…and avoiding harmful foods.

Lastly, let’s speak about…stress. Stress is avoidable most of the time. Still, you can try and find some resting techniques that can reduce stress. Try: exercise, meditation, yoga, or a easy achievement to reduce stress. When something upsets you, try and breathe deeply before allowing your body to get out of control. Stress will age your skin.

Knowing about the things that will help your skin age will also prevent aging from happening. Try and practice these anti-aging tips regular for the ideal results. Even if you slip once in awhile, remembering how to keep your skin healthy and happy is the ideal way to keep your skin from aging.