Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Remove Age & Brown Spots


Age spots, also known as liver spots, are the skin's natural response to sun damage. Although often occurring in older adults, age spots have nothing to do with your age, according to the Mother Nature website. Age spots occur as small, smooth patches of discolored skin, affecting the shoulders, face, arms and back of the hands. Although there is no cure for age spots, you can effectively fade the discoloration while further protecting your skin from additional sun damage.

Step 1

Apply an over-the-counter or prescription hydroquinine cream to age spots with a cotton ball. Daily application of hydroquinine cream will help to fade unsightly age spots, according Mother Nature. Hydroquinine cream treatment takes 1 to 2 months before results are noticeable.

Step 2

Consult your dermatologist for cryotherapy treatments. Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze age spots and break down excess melanin, according to As the skin heals, age spots fade from the skin.

Step 3

Apply sunscreen to your skin when going outdoors. Protecting your skin not only prevents the formation of new age spots, but also helps keep the treatments working properly. Mother Nature suggests applying a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, even on cloudy days.

Step 4

Opt for dermabrasion from your dermatologist. Dermabrasion uses a small rotating brush to remove surface skin cells on the age spot site, according to New skin then forms to take the place of the removed surface skin, leaving age spots lighter with every treatment.

Step 5

Apply the juice of 1/2 lemon or 1/2 red onion to your skin to fade age spots by safely removing the topmost layer of skin. According to Mother Nature, rubbing the juice into your skin twice daily for 6 to 8 months will cause age spots to fade.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Fade Dark Marks and Blemishes With a Honey and Turmeric Face Mask

How to Fade Dark Marks and Blemishes With a Honey and Turmeric Face Mask

Now, more than ever, people are becoming aesthetic conscious. Both men and women want to look good but having dark pigmentation patches or skin blemishes can make you feel self-conscious. An even skin tone is one of the most powerful fashion statements one can have. You can spend money on skin lightening products that can be expensive but many people prefer to go down the natural skin lightening route. There are many natural products that can be used to remove a tan, fade dark marks and generally lighten the skin tone.

In this article, you'll discover how to use inexpensive honey and turmeric powder that you can purchase from your local grocery store to make a face mask that can lighten your skin tone and fade dark blemishes.

Honey and Turmeric Facial Mask

All you need is a bottle of honey (raw organic honey is best) and a bottle of turmeric from your local grocery store's spice aisle. Use a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a tablespoon of the honey and mix them together in a small bowl or cup. After washing your face with your usual face wash, dry with a clean towel then apply the turmeric face mask. Turmeric stains fabrics so it is best to do this in the bathroom wearing an old t-shirt and be careful not to drop any of the paste on the carpet!

Rub the face mask on your face using gentle circular motions, wash your hands and leave the mask on your face for about 20 minutes. The honey will most likely drip down your face so keep some tissue with you to catch any drips.

After the 20 minutes is up, wash the mask off your face with warm water, do one more wash with your usual face wash and then do a final rinse with cold water to close your pores.

Honey has anti-bacterial properties and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties so together they will work to draw impurities from your skin and reduce blemishes. Your skin will feel smoother and softer immediately. Use this face mask twice a week and you will start to see that your dark marks are fading after just 3-4 weeks.

Using natural products is an effective way to fade dark marks and lighten your skin but if you want to see faster results, go to Skin Lightening Treatment for reviews of the best products to fade dark marks and lighten your skin tone.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Under Eye Dark Circles Treatment - Find the Most Effective Product

By Elizabeth Simpson

Under eye dark circles happen because of leaking red blood cells. The skin under our eyes contains a lot of tiny blood vessels. These blood vessels transport blood cells. But because of bad circulation, some of those cells leak to the surface layers of the skin. The dark color of blood will then cast a dark blue appearance under the eyes.

Most of the eye cream products in the market only work in lightening the skin. They contain illuminating ingredients. These products might even enhance the appearance of under eye dark circles because the skin becomes paler and more translucent. The underlying cause of the problem is not corrected.

You should look for an effective product that can really put an end to the blood leaking process. Unfortunately for us, leaking cells is a normal occurrence. It also happens to our other vessels. But you can lessen the haemoglobin component that give cells their vivid red color.

You should look for a product that contains the following ingredients:

This ingredient can effectively lessen haemoglobin. It shouldn't harm your blood circulation in any way because the cells that leaked to the surface layers of the dermis are useless. You can safely remove some of their haemoglobin components. This will then immediately lessen the appearance of dark marks under the eyes.

Leaking cells become very obvious due to thin skin. The skin under our peepers is thinner than the rest of our facial skin. In order to improve the thickness of the dermis, you should use this ingredient. It is comprised of functional keratin, the protein needed to boost the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin can improve dermis strength and elasticity.

Improve cellular circulation so you can lessen the likelihood of cellular leaking. This ingredient can do that. It is comprised of natural peptides. These peptides will spruce up the core functions of the cells.

Phytessence Wakame
You can lessen the appearance of numerous eye skin problems is you keep hyaluronic acid intact. This acid is responsible for supplying moisture to collagen. This will prolong young-looking dermis. But this acid is attacked by harmful enzymes in the body. Phytessence Wakame is there to get rid of enzymes.

An ideal under eye dark circles treatment is comprised of these ingredients. You should look for natural products with these ingredients if you want to have vibrant and young-looking eyes.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dark Circles Treatment – How To Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes Read more: Dark Circles Treatment – How To Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes |

Dark circles is common non-hormonal skin problem. Dark circles under the eyes are caused by a very specific physiological mechanism. There are many contributing factors to the development of these dark circles and even more things that can make them worse. What Can I Do About Dark Circles Under the Eyes?Dark circles under the eyes are a fact of life.

Many people assume they’re caused by not getting enough sleep, and they’re right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. But there are other causes of dark circles So What Causes Dark Circles?There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

Many people assume they’re caused by not getting enough sleep, and they’re right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. But there are other causes of dark circlesSo What Causes Dark Circles?There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

Men and women suffering from allergies, hay fever, and even asthma experience congestion in the fine veins below the eyes resulting in dark circles. Hormonal changes can also be the reason for the dark circles. Pregnancy and taking birth control pills are just two examples of hormonal changes that occur in the body.Treatments For Dark CirclesThere is no shortage of cures for bags and dark circles under the eyes. These treatments range from applying skin cream to the affected area to minor surgery. A home remedy just might do the trick in clearing up those dark circles without you having to spend a lot of money.

Simply applying cool tea bags or cool cucumber slices under the eyes will reduce swelling and fluid retention bringing some relief. With so many skin creams on the market, you may find it a challenging to choose the right one. As a rule of thumb, do a little research on the product in question. Skin cream reviews can be easily found online. Then, select a product that works well with your skin type. Resist the temptation to try multiple skin cream products at the same time. Using multiple products makes it difficult in knowing which one is producing results.For people with dark skin, lightening agents are an option.