Friday, May 27, 2011

Hyper pigmentation in Asian Skin

Asian skin is darker than northern European skin because of the increased amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment in the skin and protects the skin from sunlight. This keeps Asian people looking younger than white skinned people. The melanin pigment in the skin protects the skin from sunlight and slows down the aging process.

Asian skin is normally yellow in color, but the tone can vary, depending on the region the man or woman comes from. The yellow skin color is usually the result of a high amount of melanin.

As Asian people age, their skin often becomes irregularly pigmented. This shows up as dark patches on the skin. Irregular pigmentation and hyper-pigmentation can also be caused by inflammation. If an area of the skin becomes inflamed from an insect bite, trauma or from pimples, a darkened area can be left behind as the inflammation subsides.

Causes of Irregular Pigmentation:

* Excessive sun exposure
* Pregnancy
* Birth control pills and hormone treatment with estrogen
* Inflammation from insect bites, acne, trauma, or other causes

Treatment of Irregular Pigmentation:

* Do not use skin lighteners or bleaching creams containing steroids. These can cause permanent skin damage including permanent redness, thinning and blood vessel streaks. Also avoid skin lighteners or bleaching creams containing mercury as this is a poison.
* Tretinoin applied daily for many months will treat irregular pigmentation.
* Daily use of sunscreen will help prevent irregular pigmentation form occurring.
* Products which contain hydroquinone will lighten dark areas.

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